将USB PD与适配器连接到DC IN笔记本电脑端口是否安全?-电气工程堆栈交换 最近的30个来自www.art-n-clay.com 2021 - 08 - 26 - t01:36:46z //www.art-n-clay.com/feeds/question/576845 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/rdf //www.art-n-clay.com/q/576845 0 将USB PD与适配器连接到DC IN笔记本电脑端口是否安全? 马丁。G //www.art-n-clay.com/users/213931 2021 - 07 - 25 - t16:25:37z 2021 - 07 - 25 - t23:59:50z

I found some documentation about it but not exactly what I want:

Charge a laptop without explicit USB PD capability using USB PD

USB PD源是否提供任何电压到一个非USB PD兼容USB C设备?如果是,多少钱?

电池通过USB- c充电(使用USB-PD?)我说的不是在USB-C端口上的插件,而是在通常的DC-IN笔记本输入端口上。

我有一个合适的100W充电器,我还买了一个USB-C - dc电源适配器。它会起作用吗?它安全吗?


//www.art-n-clay.com/questions/576845/-/576853#576853 0 EE75 for Safe to put USB PD with adaptor on DC IN laptop port? 托尼·斯图尔特EE75 //www.art-n-clay.com/users/17574 2021 - 07 - 25 - t16:57:04z 2021 - 07 - 25 - t16:57:04z 它可以工作,但要注意电容浪涌电流的影响。



//www.art-n-clay.com/questions/576845/-/576879#576879 0 BK303关于将USB PD与适配器连接到DC IN笔记本端口是否安全的回答? BK303 //www.art-n-clay.com/users/290435 2021 - 07 - 25 - t23:59:50z 2021 - 07 - 25 - t23:59:50z 这个问题缺少关于“电源适配器”的一些细节。但一般来说,使用通用的直流电源为笔记本电脑充电不是一个好主意,并可能损坏笔记本电脑。我猜这个电源适配器没有得到笔记本电脑制造商的认可,所以我不推荐它。笔记本电脑电池充电电路有特定的输入电压和电流要求,必须满足正常运行。

  1. Laptop不支持USB-PD充电,只支持DC输入插孔充电。随笔记本电脑而来的交直流电源额定输出为19.5 VDC和6.67 A,最大130W。(Power = Voltage * Current)
  2. 希望从USB-PD 100W额定电源和100W额定USB-PD type-c电缆充电。
  3. 购买了一个USB-C - DC-IN电源适配器";具有USB PD Type-C输入并提供直流输出(额定值未指定)。
    a .笔记本电脑通常使用130W电源,但建议的USB-PC电源仅额定为100W。 This may result in the laptop to attempting to draw more current than the power supply can provide, but only the laptop vendor would have enough information about the charging circuit to know what would actually happen.

    B. the output voltage and current (or power) specifications of the "USB-C - DC-IN power adapter" must be compatible with the laptop charging input specifications. Does this power adapter have a switch to select the DC output voltage? and if yes, can it output 20V or 19.5V? Selecting the proper output voltage is absolutely required. Also what type of cable will be used from the power adapter to the laptop DC input port, and what is it's rated max current? Many modern laptops require an electronic ID signal from their power supply (in addition to the DC power) to validate how much power is available. Does your laptop require such a signal? My laptop will operate from a DC input of the correct voltage, but does not charge the battery without the proper electronic ID present.

    C. Assuming the USB-PD to DC power adapter is a "USB-PD trigger device" that simply requests/negotiates a certain voltage from the USB-PD power supply and then passes the VBUS power straight through to a DC load, the USB-PD supply itself must be able to supply the required 19.5VDC (or 20V). Check the specifications of the USB-PD charger for supported output modes, although all USB-PD chargers supplying over 50W should support a 20V output mode.